Artist Statement
The exploration of the digital world in physical space and the social impact of our digitalized world are often topics of my works. Through interactivity the visitor has the posibility to explore and reflect the limitations and synergies this results in. The art work can be collaborative, exploratory, humorous but also voyeuristic and inquiring. Participation and tangible interaction with physical objects are a key of my work as these elements illustrate the concept and ideas.
My latest work consists of a series of Inflatables made of mylar or so called emergency blankets: An aluminised polyester film. The inflatables are sometimes constructed to be entered and to be experience as well from the inside as from the outside. Depending on their size they are inflated with small or large fans, sometimes the airflow is controlled to simulate a breathing or movement. The movement of the air inside created a sizzling and cracking noise and adds to ambient. Due to the materials characteristics it acts as a two-way-mirror. Depending on the light source one look inside the inflatable but not outside and the other way around. Usually the inflatables are constructed similar to a geodesic dome with hexagons and pentagons, these shapes are visible from the inside. The inflatables are mostly site specific and rather temporary as the material has determined life span. Possible next iterations can include experiments with light, projection and sound, and further „breathing“ and movement.
Anika Hirt is a media artist from Hamburg, Germany with many homes, currently testing the grounds of southern Germany in Karlsruhe. Previously she was discovering the peculiar golden McNuggets of the promised land, spending 5 years in the US (Denver and Pittsburgh).
The exploration of the digital world in physical space and its social impact are often topics of her works. Anika studied Media and Computing at the University for Applied Sciences in Berlin and Interface Cultures (Interactive Art) at the Art University Linz, Austria.
Her works have been exhibited at Ars Electronica (AT), at the Venice Biennial for Architecture (IT), the Santral Istanbul museum of modern art (TR), 5-Days-off (NL) and Lab30 (DE). She has previously worked for the Ars Electronica Festival and for the Frank-Ratchye Studio for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University as Artist Research Associate and spent 2 years withe the Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh working as Digital Innovation Specialist.
Selected Exhibitions
- Toujours Kultour, Alter Schlachthof, Fleischmarkthalle - (Tempel Gruppenausstellung), Karlsruhe, DE (2022)
- Nachtspeicher23 - (Zeichenkörper mit Isabell Kamp), Peeple, Hamburg, DE (2019)
- Lab30, Fling, Augsburg, DE (2018)
- Jubez Karlsruhe (mit Nadine Schilling), Cloud, Pittsburgh, USA (2018)
- Museumsquatier Wien at Vienna Art Week, Double Bubble, Wien, AT (2016)
- Solo Show 701 Gallerz, Double Bubble, Denver, USA (2016)
- Neu City, Neu Kirche Contemprary Art Center, Glow vs. Glare, Pittsburgh, USA (2015)
- Alloy pgh 2013, Carrie Furnaces, blobs, Pittsburgh, USA (2013)
- Unsmoke, Alloy pgh 2013 artists group exhibition, Pittsburgh, USA (2013)
- Lab 30, Lovely Machine, Media Art Festival Augsburg, Germany (2011)
- Ars Electronica Festival, Lovely Machine, Interface Cultures campus exhibition Linz, Austria (2011)
- Ars Electronica Festival, 9578 Files, Interface Cultures campus exhibition Linz, Austria (2010)
- Ars Electronica Festival, Glific, Interface Cultures campus exhibition Linz, Austria (2010)
- I-Machine Festival, DADAgear, Edith-Russ-Haus Curated by NIMk, Oldenburg, Germany (2009) Rencontres Internacionales de la Réalité Virtuelle, Space Trash, in Laval, France (2009)
- Santralistanbul, Glific, Uncharted: User Frames in Media Art, Istanbul, Turkey (2009)
- Long Night of Research Linz, Space Trash in Linz, Austria (2008)
- Venice Biennale for Architecture, DADAgear, Venice, Italy (2008)
- Ars Electronica Festival, DADAgear, Interface Cultures campus exhibition Linz, Austria (2008)
Anika HirtHardtstraße 37a,
76185 Karlsruhe
E-Mail-Adresse: info@anikahirt.deHaftungs- und Schutzrechtshinweise
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Bildquellen und Urheberrechtshinweise: Anika Hirt